vineri, 12 decembrie 2008

Baby,you know things change

I wish I was as insightful as the music I listen to. Because then, I'd be able to fully express my feelings towards you. I'd tell you how wonderful you made me feel, and how when I'm with you, I forget my stress. I'd tell you how I can look into your eyes and forget all the severing pains in my life. I lose my train of thought in the black-brown depths of your eyes and feel warmth, rather than the cool tones the color suggests. Sometimes, however, the bright hype that your eyes radiate begins to fade, and I see the weight of lost loves crushing down upon you. I want to ease your pains with the correct maneuvers, but cannot do so tactfully. For pushing you away would tear my soul into irreparable shapes which become lost in the moment.
Then there are the times whenever I do not know how I feel about you. I want to be your friend, not a lover. But they notice it even more so than I do. They know how bad I long for something more. They noticed it before I could even conjure up the idea. They saw how my eyes lit up as I saw you across the room. They saw what you did to me.Then there is her. I don't know a thing about her, except that she left you, and has recently returned. Maybe the lack of you pulled her to her senses, or maybe she knows that you would take her back if she said the word.Whenever you have talked to her, I'm never enough. The importance I had in your life moments before have fallen between the cracks in the sidewalk. The conversations that we used to have that would flow so freely seem forced and insecure. I don't like this side of you, the side of you consumed by her.
I've never been the jealous type.Then again, things change.

joi, 27 noiembrie 2008


Buna tuturor!
Ma numesc Heni,am 14 ani si sunt noua pe aici.Nu am mai facut asa ceva pana acum dar am auzit de la multi despre chestia asta cu "bloggingul"=p.
About me?
Ce sa va spun..e destul de varza cand esti "nevoita" sa vorbesti despre tine si desi cu totii avem o parere buna ..insa niciodata nu stim ce sa zicem.Sunt o persoana sensibila chiar daca nu prea o arat.Sincera...unii zic ca sunt de treaba.Eu spun ca sunt o persoana foarte sociabila,putin increzuta(de fapt de un timp chiar nu mai pot spune ca sunt asa,nu ma mai simt ..speciala sa zicem =p).Sunt plina de viata si cu simtul umorului foarte dezvoltat ;)).Ii iubesc pe cei care sunt alaturi de mine si care imi vor binele.Sunt cam rea de fel :(asta e parerea mea personala..da macar am autocritica :D).Sunt o fire directa.Daca am ceva de spus,prefer s-o spun in fata nu-mi place sa ma tu ai face bine sa faci la fel (vedeti?!iar vin "valurile si fitzele de increzuta"...incerc sa ma stapanesc :) trebuie sa te ascunzi;in ziua de azi tupeul conteaza...n-ai tupeu-cazi de sa nu zic prost ;x e prea ieftin.Nu suport sa fiu dominata;ma adaptez greu cateodata la situatii si locuri noi.Nu beau,nu fumez...sunt o fata cuminte.Ma enervez repede si imi ies din fire tot asa de repede.
Scriu povesti & poezii in english ;x (fac de 10 ani engleza;x..parintii tin foarte mult sa vorbesc cel putin 3 limbi+engleza perfect de aceea m-au dat deja la ore de cand aveam 4 ani)care probabil vor face parte din cartea pe care o scriu in engleza cu diferite lucruri...chestii despre viata vazuta prin ochii unei adolescente ;;) (nu ca as avea atata experienta de viata sau ceva dar unele intamplari v-ar amuza si pe voi..;D).Greselile si cusururile in viata pe care incerc sa le indrept.Voi posta probabil cateva povesti si aici pe blog sa vad care e parerea poporului :D.In timpul liber citesc (daa ..bine fa-ma tocilara) tot in engleza(acum chiar ca ma faci tocilara).
Pe curand!;*